Sunday, 11 January 2015 14:51

New York State Bird


New York State Bird: Eastern bluebird

Scientific Name: Sialia sialis

State Bird Description: The Eastern Bluebird is a small bird that is easily recognized in the eastern parts of the US due to it's bright blue colors. The male Eastern Bluebird has a bright blue cap and blue wings with a lighter color underbelly and somewhat orangish color chest. The female is similar in color to the male just not as brightly colored. The Eastern Blue bird is approximately 6 to 8 inches in length and weighs between 1 to 1.2 ounces.

Where It's Found: The Eastern Bluebird is found only east of the Rocky Mountains and primarily lives below the Mason Dixon line. However it does venture to the Northeast during breeding season and winters in parts of Texas and Mexico.

New York State Bird Dedication: 1970


Sunday, 11 January 2015 14:48

New Mexico State Bird


New Mexico State Bird: Roadrunner

Scientific Name: Geococcyx californianus

State Bird Description: The Great Roadrunner is a long legged bird which is approximately 20 to 24 inches long and weighs from 8 to 19 ounces. The bird is primarily brown and white with a mostly white under belly. The Roadrunner is known by other names such as the chaparral cock, ground cuckoo, and snake killer.

Where It's Found: The Roadrunner can be found in southwestern United States and northern Mexico and be seen quite often in parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma

New Mexico State Bird Dedication: 1949


Sunday, 11 January 2015 14:41

New Jersey State Bird


New Jersey State Bird: Eastern goldfinch

Scientific Name: Carduelis tristis

State Bird Description: The American Goldfinch is a small member of the finch family which is popular for bird feeders to attract to their yards. The American Goldfinch is sometimes referred to as the Eastern Goldfinch due to the large numbers often seen on the East Coast of the US. The American Goldfinch is approximately 7 to 8 inches long and weighs less than 1 oz. The male American Goldfinch is a brilliant yellow during mating season and the females are a lighter yellow somewhat brown. The American Goldfinch is the only finch to molt all it's feathers two times a year.

Where It's Found: The American goldfinch can be found in the majority of the US and prefers open country such as fields, meadows, flood plains. It often can be found in gardens and backyards especially if there is a feeder of thistle close by.

New Jersey State Bird Dedication: 1935


Sunday, 11 January 2015 14:35

New Hampshire State Bird


New Hampshire State Bird: Purple finch

Scientific Name: Carpodacus purpureus

State Bird Description: The Purple Finch is a small member or the finch family and is primarily found around the northern coasts of of the United States. The population of the Purple Finch has declined due to house finch, the house finch out competes the purple finch for food and territory. The Purple finch male is brightly colored and has a raspberry color to them, the female purple finch is mostly brown.

Where It's Found: The Purple Finch breeds in Canada and then migrates south to the United States around the Northeast Coasts and the Western Coasts in the winter the Purple Finch will migrate more toward the central region of the United States.

New Hampshire State Bird Dedication: 1957


Sunday, 11 January 2015 14:24

Nevada State Bird


Nevada State Bird: Mountain bluebird

Scientific Name: Sialia currucoides

State Bird Description: The Mountain Bluebird is a medium sized bird that that calls it's home much of the western United States. The Mountain Bluebird weighs around 1 oz and is approximately 6 to 8 inches tall. The male Mountain Bluebird is a brilliant blue and the female is a lighter color with blue wings and a lighter tan underbody.

Where It's Found: The Mountain Bluebird is found in much of the western states in the United States, western parts of Canada and into Mexico during the colder months. It can be found in the mountains of the west and meadow areas, and open rural areas. During the winter the Mountain Bluebird migrates to lowland areas, like desert areas.

Nevada State Bird Dedication: 1967


Friday, 09 January 2015 20:29

Nebraska State Bird


Nebraska State Bird: Western meadowlark

Scientific Name: Sturnella neglecta

State Bird Description: The Western Meadowlark is medium sized bird that is found in much of the central to western parts of the United States. The Western Meadowlark is a multi colored bird what boast a bright yellow bellow with a black V on it's chest. The back of the Western Meadowlark is white with black and brown streaks. The Western Meadowlark has a very distinctive call which can be described as flute like. The Western Meadowlark is the state bird of six states in the US only the Northern Cardinal represents more states with it being the state bird of seven states.

Where It's Found: The Western Meadowlark can be found in much of the west and central western states of the United States, it's preferred habitat is grasslands, prairies, pastures, and abandoned fields due to how it nests. The Western Meadowlark builds it's nest on the ground in the grass which leaves is susceptible.

Nebraska State Bird Dedication: 1929


Friday, 09 January 2015 20:28

Montana State Bird


Montana State Bird: Western meadowlark

Scientific Name: Sturnella neglecta

State Bird Description: The Western Meadowlark is medium sized bird that is found in much of the central to western parts of the United States. The Western Meadowlark is a multi colored bird what boast a bright yellow bellow with a black V on it's chest. The back of the Western Meadowlark is white with black and brown streaks. The Western Meadowlark has a very distinctive call which can be described as flute like. The Western Meadowlark is the state bird of six states in the US only the Northern Cardinal represents more states with it being the state bird of seven states.

Where It's Found: The Western Meadowlark can be found in much of the west and central western states of the United States, it's preferred habitat is grasslands, prairies, pastures, and abandoned fields due to how it nests. The Western Meadowlark builds it's nest on the ground in the grass which leaves is susceptible.

Montana State Bird Dedication: 1941


Friday, 09 January 2015 20:21

Missouri State Bird


Missouri State Bird: Eastern bluebird

Scientific Name: Sialia sialis

State Bird Description: The Eastern Bluebird is a small bird that is easily recognized in the eastern parts of the US due to it's bright blue colors. The male Eastern Bluebird has a bright blue cap and blue wings with a lighter color underbelly and somewhat orangish color chest. The female is similar in color to the male just not as brightly colored. The Eastern Blue bird is approximately 6 to 8 inches in length and weighs between 1 to 1.2 ounces.

Where It's Found: The Eastern Bluebird is found only east of the Rocky Mountains and primarily lives below the Mason Dixon line. However it does venture to the Northeast during breeding season and winters in parts of Texas and Mexico.

Missouri State Bird Dedication: 1927


Friday, 09 January 2015 16:15

Mississippi State Bird


Mississippi State Bird: Northern mockingbird

Scientific Name: Mimus polyglottos

State Bird Description: The northern mockingbird is a medium-sized bird that has long legs and a long tail. Northern mockingbirds measure from 8 to 11.0 inches which includes the tail. Their wingspan can range from 12 to 15 inches and the weigh 1.5 to 2.0 oz. The Male Mockingbird tends to be slightly larger than females. The male and female look alike with the upper part of their body are colored gray, while its belly has a white or light gray color. They have parallel black wing bars on the half of the wings connected near the white patch which makes them easily noticeable when flying. The Northern Mockingbird will imitate a wide range of sounds from other birds calls to other animal and non animal noises to try and attract a mate.

Where It's Found: The northern mockingbird is the only mockingbird commonly found in North America although they can most frequently be found in the Southern United States.

Mississippi State Bird Dedication: 1944


Friday, 09 January 2015 15:50

Minnesota State Bird


Minnesota State Bird: Common loon

Scientific Name: Gavia immer

State Bird Description: The Common Loon is an easily recognizable bird due to it's color pattern of black and white and it's red eyes. It's also easily recognized through sound due to the haunting "laugh" call of a loon which can be heard for many miles on lakes throughout the northern parts of the US. The Common Loon is a diver bird which feeds by diving underwater to catch fish, the loon can stay underwater for upwards of 3 minutes and can dive to 200 feet.

Where It's Found: The Common Loon or Great Northern Loon calls it's year round home the northern lakes of the north east and central northern parts of the US and the west coast of Canada which stretches into the southern sections of Alaska. The Common Loon breads in Canada, Alaska, and Greenland and will winter on the sea coasts of North America and Europe.

Minnesota State Bird Dedication: 1961