Thursday, 15 January 2015 15:15

Alaska State Fish


Alaska State Fish: King salmon

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

State Fish Description: The King Salmon as it's known in Alaska is primarily known as the Chinook Salmon. The King Salmon is the largest of the Pacific Salmon and can reach weights of 130 lbs which would be an extremely large King Salmon the common weights of the the King Salmon range between 10 to 50lbs. King Salmon run up streams and rivers during spawning season which generally is in the early fall in which they will spawn and die after lying their eggs.

Where It's Found: King Salmon (Chinook Salmon) are native to the north Pacific Ocean and the river systems of western North America, ranging from California to Alaska. They have been introduced to other parts of the US as well including the great lakes primarily Lake Ontario in New York.

Alaska State Fish Dedication: 1927


Thursday, 15 January 2015 03:25

Alaska Printable Borough (County) Map

Alaska printable county map with bordering states and water way information, this Alaska county map can be printable by simply clicking on the thumbnail of the map then clicking the print icon below the map and a print dialog box will open in which you can send the map to your printer to be printed.

Printable Alaska County Map Below:

  • Alaska County MapAlaska County Map


Wednesday, 14 January 2015 15:02

Wyoming State Bird


Wyoming State Bird: Western meadowlark

Scientific Name: Sturnella neglecta

State Bird Description: The Western Meadowlark is medium sized bird that is found in much of the central to western parts of the United States. The Western Meadowlark is a multi colored bird what boast a bright yellow bellow with a black V on it's chest. The back of the Western Meadowlark is white with black and brown streaks. The Western Meadowlark has a very distinctive call which can be described as flute like.

Where It's Found: The Western Meadowlark can be found in much of the west and central western states of the United States, it's preferred habitat is grasslands, prairies, pastures, and abandoned fields due to how it nests. The Western Meadowlark builds it's nest on the ground in the grass which leaves is susceptible.

Wyoming State Bird Dedication: 1927


Wednesday, 14 January 2015 14:59

Wisconsin State Bird


Wisconsin State Bird: American robin

Scientific Name: Turdus migratorius

State Bird Description: The American Robin is one of the most recognizable birds in the United States due to the vast area and numbers of birds that reside in the US during the summer months. The American Robin is a migratory bird that migrates south to Florida, Texas and Mexico during the winter months and returns north during the spring. The American Robin has a brown back and a reddish-orange breast, which varies from a rich red maroon to a lighter orange.

Where It's Found: The American Robin can be found in the vast majority of North America it calls the lower 48 home much of the time and often considered a sign that winter is over and spring is upon us.

Wisconsin State Bird Dedication: 1949


Wednesday, 14 January 2015 14:55

West Virginia State Bird


West Virginia State Bird: Northern cardinal

Scientific Name: Cardinalis cardinalis

State Bird Description: The Northern Cardinal is one of the most recognizable birds in the United States, often called a redbird or or common cardinal they are recognized by their bright red color in males and the crest atop their heads. The male cardinal boasts a bright crimson red color with a black mask on it's face, and the females is a lighter orange to brown-orange color with a bright orange beak with a orange crest atop it's head. Many backyard birders attract cardinals to their yards using bird seed with sunflowers seeming to be their favorites.

Where It's Found: The Northern Cardinal can be found in southern parts of Canada, the eastern US from Maine to Texas and onward south through Mexico. It often is found in woodlands, backyards, shrub lands, and swamplands.

West Virginia State Bird Dedication: 1949


Wednesday, 14 January 2015 14:53

Washington State Bird


Washington State Bird: Willow Goldfinch

Scientific Name: Carduelis tristis

State Bird Description: The Willow Goldfinch is a small member of the finch family which is popular for bird feeders to attract to their yards. The Willow Goldfinch is sometimes referred to as the Eastern Goldfinch due to the large numbers often seen on the East Coast of the US. The Willow Goldfinch is approximately 7 to 8 inches long and weighs less than 1 oz. The male Willow Goldfinch is a brilliant yellow during mating season and the females are a lighter yellow somewhat brown. The Willow Goldfinch is the only finch to molt all it's feathers two times a year. The Willow Goldfinch is another name for an Eastern Goldfinch, the Willow Goldfinch was named the state bird of Washington by school children in Washington State in 1951.

Where It's Found: The Willow Goldfinch can be found in the majority of the US and prefers open country such as fields, meadows, flood plains. It often can be found in gardens and backyards especially if there is a feeder of thistle close by.

Washington State Bird Dedication: 1951


Wednesday, 14 January 2015 14:47

Virginia State Bird


Virginia State Bird: Northern cardinal

Scientific Name: Cardinalis cardinalis

State Bird Description: The Northern Cardinal is one of the most recognizable birds in the United States, often called a redbird or or common cardinal they are recognized by their bright red color in males and the crest atop their heads. The male cardinal boasts a bright crimson red color with a black mask on it's face, and the females is a lighter orange to brown-orange color with a bright orange beak with a orange crest atop it's head. Many backyard birders attract cardinals to their yards using bird seed with sunflowers seeming to be their favorites.

Where It's Found: The Northern Cardinal can be found in southern parts of Canada, the eastern US from Maine to Texas and onward south through Mexico. It often is found in woodlands, backyards, shrub lands, and swamplands.

Virginia State Bird Dedication: 1950


Tuesday, 13 January 2015 16:35

Vermont State Bird


Vermont State Bird: Hermit thrush

Scientific Name: Catharus guttatus

State Bird Description: The Hermit Thrush is a medium sized North American thrush that is approximately 6 to 7 inches in length and weighs around 1 oz. The Hermit Thrush has a brown topside and a lighter almost white underbelly. The song of the Hermit Thrush is often described as the finest sound in nature and has been noted in American History from Walt Whitman naming it as a symbol of the American Voice, to poetry by Amy Clampitt.

Where It's Found: The Hermit thrush migrates to winter in the southern United States and south to Central America but some remain in northern coastal US states and southern Ontario.

Vermont State Bird Dedication: 1941


Tuesday, 13 January 2015 13:52

Utah State Bird


Utah State Bird: California gull

Scientific Name: Larus californicus

State Bird Description: The California Gull is a medium sized sea gull which has a mostly white body with grey wings, it is slightly smaller than the hearing gull and has a smaller bill. It's the state bird of Utah due to how it was said to help the Mormon settlers in dealing with a plague of Mormon crickets. A monument in Salt Lake City commemorates this event, known as the "Miracle of the Gulls".

Where It's Found: The California Gull is a resident of the Pacific Northwest coast of California but breeds in around the lakes and marshes of western North America from Northwest Territories, Canada south to eastern California and Colorado.

Utah State Bird Dedication: 1955


Tuesday, 13 January 2015 13:43

Texas State Bird


Texas State Bird: Northern mockingbird

Scientific Name: Mimus polyglottos

State Bird Description: The northern mockingbird is a medium-sized bird that has long legs and a long tail. Northern mockingbirds measure from 8 to 11.0 inches which includes the tail. Their wingspan can range from 12 to 15 inches and the weigh 1.5 to 2.0 oz. The Male Mockingbird tends to be slightly larger than females. The male and female look alike with the upper part of their body are colored gray, while its belly has a white or light gray color. They have parallel black wing bars on the half of the wings connected near the white patch which makes them easily noticeable when flying. The Northern Mockingbird will imitate a wide range of sounds from other birds calls to other animal and non animal noises to try and attract a mate.

Where It's Found: The northern mockingbird is the only mockingbird commonly found in North America although they can most frequently be found in the Southern United States.

Texas State Bird Dedication: 1927